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新規!💥 ProPicksを手に入れ、S&P 500を1,183%を超える投資成績を実現した、戦略をご覧ください 40%割引で開始



According to the law on the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, the National Bank shall perform the following functions: establish and conduct the monetary policy; regulate the liquidity in the international payments; establish and conduct the Denar exchange rate policy; handle and manage the foreign exchange reserves; regulate the payment system; grant founding and operating license to a bank and a savings house and supervise the banks and savings houses; grant a license for performing services of prompt money transfer and supervise the operations of the entities performing services of prompt money transfer in accordance with a law; grant operating license to foreign exchange bureaus and supervise their operations in accordance with a law; issue banknotes and coins; perform activities for the account of the central government and the government administration bodies.

総裁: Petar Gosev
